How tall is Frances Bean Cobain?

Frances Bean Cobain (born 18 August 1992) is a model and American visual artist. She is Nirvana's only sister singer Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love frontwoman Hole. Cobain owns the promotional rights for the name and the face of her fatherFrances Cobain was born on 18 August 1992 at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.[4] She was named for Frances McKee, the guitarist for the Scottish indie pop band The Vaselines.[5][6][7] Before the birth of Cobain, there were reports that her mother used heroin during pregnancy. This controversy escalated after Lynn Hirschberg's article "Strange" was published by Vanity Fair

5 feet 4 inches
1 m 65 cm

How tall is Frances Bean Cobain?

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